
    2019-11-29 15:55:21   来源:网络   评论:0 点击:

    Ⅰ. 阅读理解
    When it comes to mental illness, many people often find it tough to get the help they need. This is especially true for young students making the transition (过渡) to college life. 
    “Sometimes, students don’t realize how hard it is to adjust to college,” said Laura Smith, associate dean of students at the University of Texas at Dallas. “You’re not the big fish in your classes anymore; you have all kinds of personal stress; you’re away from home. “Dealing with these things is not easy. ”
    Students who are going through these problems sometimes want to reach out. But if students don’t feel comfortable seeking help, many feel that it’s the responsibility of their university to help them. 
    “I really wish that there was more importance placed on how counseling (咨询)centers help students,” said Connie Trinh. “Counseling services are just as important as academics and sports. ”
    Trinh, 27, graduated from Texas Woman’s University in 2015. During college, she hosted various workshops on how to handle mental health conditions. Trinh used her own story to connect with students who might be facing similar problems. High academic pressures, cultural differences as an Asian American and stressful social situations stood out as some of the most common causes of Trinh’s anxiety. 
    It was only after years of personal problems that she could admit that reaching out isn’t a sign of weakness. 
    “If you feel you can’t connect_with other people around you, you should address the issue without shame,” Trinh said. “You’ll find that there are a lot of people out there who sincerely want to help you. ”
    1.The passage can be seen as the author’s reflections upon________. 
    A.college life      
    B.counseling service
    C.mental health
    D.cultural differences
    2.What’s Trinh’s preferred solution to the problems mentioned?
    A.Making selfcriticism. 
    B.Handling the problems actively. 
    C.Solving the problem on your own. 
    D.Finding the causes of the problems. 
    3.What does the underlined phrase “connect with” in the last paragraph probably mean?
    A.Get along with.
    B.Join together with. 
    C.Be related to. 
    D.Get through to. 
    4.What can we learn from the text?
    A.Counseling service helps doing research. 
    B.Adjusting to college life is a piece of cake. 
    C.Hosting workshops improves students’ ability. 
    D.Being brave to get help is not a sign of weakness. 
    Ⅱ. 完形填空
    A few years ago, I started therapy.  I kept it a secret __1__ it felt like it wasn’t the kind of thing I could tell anyone.  I felt it was__2__,_and I was ashamed of it.  __3__I felt I was the only one.  It seemed that everyone but me was able to__4__things on their own. __5__of my friends or family needed help like that.  But on an occasion, I__6__my secret to one of my good friends. 
    Guess what__7__? As I started letting other people know that I was in therapy, some of them started telling me the__8__ thing! It seemed that once I told them that I would understand their__9__,_it was safe to tell me.  We didn’t have to keep this a(n)__10__from each other any more. 
    One friend close to me__11__that she went on antidepressants (抗抑郁药) after her mother’s death.  Another friend has been__12__for being blue__13__he was in college.  My hairdresser had been on medication__14__obsessive compulsive disorder(强迫症).  All of them said they felt comfortable to be able to__15__the information.  I felt like I found support in my__16__and I wasn’t alone, just from__17__their stories. 
    It has made me realize that none of us are__18__.  Also, there’s no__19__in trying to hide them when you are having__20__.  It’s better to be open and honest. 
    1.A.because B.although C.if D.unless
    2.A.surprisingB.exciting C.worryingD.satisfying
    4.A.removeB.handle C.dealD.accept
    5.A.SomeB.All C.MostD.None
    6.A.let outB.let down C.set outD.set off
    7.A.appearedB.continued C.happenedD.existed
    8.A.differentB.same C.difficultD.important
    9.A.newsB.delights C.topicsD.problems
    10.A.secretB.order C.ruleD.puzzle
    11.A.thoughtB.suggested C.explainedD.warned
    12.A.punishedB.treated C.injuredD.praised
    13.A.beforeB.for C.whenD.since
    14.A.according toB.because ofC.judging byD.instead of
    15.A.shareB.hide C.correctD.find
    16.A.victoryB.success C.struggleD.failure
    17.A.recitingB.listening to C.copyingD.reading
    18.A.strongB.healthy C.wrongD.perfect
    19.A.pointB.doubt C.courageD.ability
    Ⅲ. 语法填空
    The Chinese Lantern Festival, which falls 1. ______the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar,marks the end of many different Chinese New Year 2. ______(celebrate) each year. 
    3. ______(solve) lantern riddles is among the many popular traditional activities for the festival, which include eating tangyuan, enjoying the full moon, and delighting in colorful lighted lanterns.  These guessing games 4. ______(call) lantern riddles because they involve riddles 5. ______(write) on lanterns or on slips of paper attached to them. They often contain messages of 6. ______(wise) and good fortune, and give people the opportunity to have fun while practicing language and problemsolving skills. 
    7. ______majority of classic riddles refer to Chinese characters, historical figures, or names of cities and other places in China.  People must guess the answer by thinking about the 8. ______(variety) meanings of the words and phrases that make up the riddle. 9. ______(usual), a tip may be provided to indicate 10. ______ the answer is a person, a place or a thing. 
    Ⅳ. 短文改错
    With the swiftly development of the Internet, online shopping have become a new trend in our daily life. There are several factor behind this phenomenon.  First of all, it is very convenient for people to purchase how they want or like.  Second, people shopped online have more choices of goods and are able to save time.  Third, the relatively low prices also accounted for higher sales online. 
    On my opinion, as the pace of life quickens, it is natural for people to choose online shopping to save time and energy.  But when we enjoy the convenience it brings us, we should be careful so sometimes the quality of goods cannot be guaranteed.  Furthermore, we’d better to stay rational and just buy what we really need, otherwise it would cause waste of money and resources. 
    Ⅴ. 书面表达
     (2019·辽宁六校联考)假定你是李华,将参加学校举行的英文演讲比赛,已写好演讲稿。给教你英语口语一年并已回国一个月的外教Mr. Daniel写封邮件,请他帮你审核稿件并做出必要的修改。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    [语篇解读] 本文主要讲了当提到精神健康问题,很多人发现获得需要的帮助很困难。实际上,勇敢的寻求帮助,并不是软弱的表现。
    C [主旨大意题。由第一自然段When it comes to mental illness, many people often find it tough to get the help they need. This is especially true for young students making the transition(过渡) to college life. 可知这篇文章作者主要谈论了精神健康问题 。]
    B [推理判断题。由最后一个自然段“If you feel you can’t connect_with other people around you, you should address the issue without shame,” Trinh said. “You’ll find that there are a lot of people out there who sincerely want to help you. ”可推断出Trinh偏爱的问题解决方案是积极地解决问题 。]
    A [词义猜测题。If you feel you can’t connect_with other people around you, you should address the issue without shame这句话的意思是如果你感觉你不能和你周围的其他人和睦相处,你应该不会觉得羞愧地处理这个问题,connect with意思是与……和睦相处 。]
    D [推理判断题。由倒数第二自然段It was only after years of personal problems that she could admit that reaching out isn’t a sign of weakness. 可推知勇敢的寻求帮助,不是软弱的表现 。]
    [语篇解读] 作者患有癌症,在化疗,但是刚开始不想让任何人知道。后来告诉朋友之后才知道其实有糟糕经历的不止他一个。通过和他人分享自己的焦虑会使自己感到轻松些。作者想告诉读者没有人是完美的,当有困难时没必要隐藏。
    1.A [根据下文可知,接下来主要解释了“我”想保密的原因,故选because。]
    2.C [根据空格后的I was ashamed of it可知,此处是说“我”感觉这是令人担心的。]
    3.D [更糟糕的是,“我”感觉“我”是唯一的一个。]
    4.B [“我”将自己和其他人进行对比,感觉似乎每个人除了“我”以外都能自己解决这些事情。]
    5.D [承接上文可知,“我”的朋友和家人没人像“我”一样。故选D。]
    6.A [根据下文As I started letting other people know...可知,此处指“我”把这个秘密告诉了“我”的一个朋友。let out“说出”,符合文意。]
    7.C [猜猜“我”把秘密告诉朋友后发生(happened)了什么。]
    8.B [根据下文可知,他们中的一些人告诉“我”同样的事情。]
    9.D [好像一旦“我”告诉他们,“我”理解他们的难题,告诉我就是很安全的。]
    10.A [“我”认为我们再也没有必要瞒着对方。keep a secret意为“保密”。]
    11.C [“我”的一个密友解释(explained)说自从她妈妈去世后她就在进行抗抑郁的治疗。]
    12.B [句中Another friend...承接上文One friend...,故此处指另一个朋友因为忧郁在接受治疗。treat“医疗,治疗”。]
    13.D [另一位朋友是自从上大学一直在接受抗抑郁治疗,该句运用了现在完成时起提示作用,故选since“自从”。]
    14.B [“我”的发型师因为强迫症在药疗。]
    15.A [结合上文可知,他们所有人都说能够分享(share)信息让他们很舒服。]
    16.C [因为和相似遭遇的朋友有了交流,这让“我”感觉在挣扎奋斗(struggle)中找到了支持。]
    17.B [这种支持仅仅是从听他们的故事得来。]
    18.D [这使“我”意识到没有人是完美的(perfect)。]
    19.A [本句是固定句型,there is no point in doing sth. “做……没有意义”。]
    20.C [结合全文可知,当你有困难(difficulties)时,隐藏是没有用的。]
    [语篇解读] 本文是说明文,主要对元宵节的猜灯谜活动作了介绍。
    1.on [考查介词。fall on表示“适逢”,是固定搭配。]
    2.celebrations [考查名词。由空前的many different Chinese New Year可知,此处应用名词celebration的复数形式。]
    3.Solving [考查非谓语动词。由句子结构可知,此处可用动名词短语作主语。动名词短语的一般主动式在此表示主动关系及抽象概念。]
    4.are called [考查时态和语态。此处表示一种客观情况,故应用一般现在时;句子的主语“These guessing games”与call之间为动宾关系,故应用一般现在时的被动语态,所以填are called。]
    5.written [考查非谓语动词。riddles和write之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且此处非谓语动词表示动作已完成,故应用过去分词形式。]
    6.wisdom [考查名词。此处应用名词wisdom,wisdom与good fortune并列。]
    7.The [考查冠词。the majority of...表示“大多数……,大部分……”,故填The。]
    8.various/varied [考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用形容词various/varied(各种各样的)作定语来修饰名词meanings。]
    9.Usually [考查副词。此处应用副词作状语,usually表示“通常”。注意:单词首字母要大写。]
    10.whether [考查宾语从句。由句意和句子结构可知,此处应用whether,whether...or...表示“是……还是……”。]
    Dear Mr. Daniel,
    How time flies! It’s been a month since you went back home after a year’s teaching us spoken English. How are you recently?
    I’m writing to ask you for help. I will attend the annual English Speech Competition held in our school next week, and I have just completed my speech draft. However, I’m not quite sure about the sentences and structures used. I know you are an expert in this field, so would you be kind enough to spare some time to go through them and do some necessary correction for me? The details are in the attachment. 
    Best wishes to you and your family!
    Li Hua

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